Category: Buyer

Older Homes in Salt Lake City

What to Look for in Homes of Different Ages

Buying a home in Portland? All homes — depending on their age — have their own set of unique concerns and quirks. Read more to learn what to watch out for.


Keep It Local: 20 Uniquely Portland Stops for Holiday Shopping

Kick your brain into a higher holiday shopping gear with these twenty unique Portland shops and gifts you can’t find anywhere else.

How to Prevent Homebuyer Remorse

Many homeowners (a whopping 51%, according to this study) have regrets about the home they bought or how they bought […]

Here’s How to Stay Emotionally Detached While Home Shopping

Getting emotionally attached to a home while shopping is a bad idea. It can cloud your judgment and lead you to buy something that’s not a good fit for you. Here’s how to keep a cool head through the entire process.

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